Head: Dr. Jan Beran

Komenského nám. 2, 662 43 Brno

Phone: ++420-5-42126442, fax: ++420-5-42126579

The activities of the Centre (CFE) were concentrated on the organisation and realisation of accredited educational courses, grant projects, counselling and publication activities. The centre co-operated with MU faculties, external professionals, the Czech School Inspection Board, School Authorities and foreign institutions.

Following the agreement signed between Masaryk University and the Institute for Local Administration, Prague, which serves as a centre of the Ministry of the Interior for the training of state administration employees, courses focusing on special professional qualifications were opened.

In 2000, the centre was relocated to the Faculty of Medicine building at Komenského náměstí, where additional new classrooms enabled an increase in the number of educational courses provided.

Renovation of the main building of the Šlapanice training facility was launched, significantly limiting the number of external courses provided there.


Educational courses

The total number of courses accredited for schools reached 36, offered to schools in a catalogue developed for the purpose. They are mainly special professional qualification and career enhancement courses of a short-term character. A total of 146 courses were organised for 2762 participants.

New courses were opened for state administration employees. In 36 one-week professional skills courses, 1062 participants were trained. This particular area developed very well and a further increase in the number of courses for this group of clients may be expected in 2001.


Summer holiday activities

During the summer holiday, the centre held a course of Czech for Austrian teachers.


Counselling and service activities

The centre provided support and information to teachers interested in study stays abroad.

The centre also provided organizational services at regional student competitions, disseminated informational materials on topical teaching issues and mediated offers of training activities of other pedagogical or educational centres.

Development programmes

The LEONARDO project NL/98/1/74058/PI/III.1a/IVT in German for Special Purpose continued

From the "Support for the Development of Educational Programmes for Teachers and Other Training Activities" of the Ministry of Education of the CR, the Centre obtained funds for its "Internet Studio" project and 20 computers.

Furthermore, the "Preparation of Unqualified Elementary School Teachers of German for a Two-year Training in German at the Faculty of Education in Brno and for Teaching Starting at Fourth Year and Higher at Elementary School" project was implemented.


Research organized by the Ministry

The Centre was involved in the "Support of Teacher's Work" project (RV-PPU/LS200006) headed by the ÚVRŠ of the FE of Charles University Prague.


International co-operation

The centre had intensive cooperation with foreign partner institutions focusing on the methodology of teaching foreign languages, school management and the preparation of schools for the admission of the Czech Republic into the EU. In co-operation with Austrian and German counterparts, the centre organised the participation of 102 Czech teachers in various two- or three-day educational courses abroad. A total of 48 teachers took part in courses lasting 5-14 days. Five employees of the MU CFE took part in international projects, study stays and an international conference.

Together with the Austrian Ministry of Education and Culture and the KulturKontakt Institute, Vienna, the Centre prepared 11 seminars lasting several days each and 2 one-year study projects led by prominent Austrian lecturers, and 3 seminars and a one-year conversation course led by German lecturers. Co-operation with the foreign partners culminated in an international symposium and two conferences with international participation. Our German and Austrian partners took part in the organisation and sponsoring of a newly launched 4-semester course for „multipliers“ of secondary schools in German. Co-operation with British and American partners was reflected in 2 cycles for secondary school teachers and one seminar. Previous co-operation with a number of foreign institutions and universities continued to develop and new contacts were established with the management of all educational centres in Austria.

Together with KulturKontakt in Vienna, the Centre published 5 methodological brochures for participants in courses led by foreign lecturers.


Publication activities

With a print run of 3000 copies, the centre published Legal Science for School and Practice written by Schelle, Novotný and Tomancová.

The centre also published 9 brochures of supporting methodology for participants in its special professional qualifications courses (1000 copies each).


Education Centre

The Education Centre in Šlapanice was involved in the organisation of the activities described above. The facility was used for educational courses and important conferences organized not only by the Centre for Further Education of Teachers, but also by MU faculties.