Centre for Continuation of Education

Head:  PhDr. Jan Beran

In 1996 the centre developed activities in education and research. In the area of education it took initiatives supporting internal transformation of primary and secondary schools. The Centre co-operated with the faculties of MU, external experts, departments of the Ministry of Education and foreign institutions. 

A scope of services:

1. Teaching courses

A total of 159 accredited courses were offered to schools through a university catalogue. 

The aim was to promote the professional development of teachers.

In 530 days the Centre provided training to 6970 teachers. An important initiative supported by the Ministry of Education was a programme "Social prevention, prevention of crimes and drug addiction." The workshop was attended by 170 participants.

Summer holiday activities:

In the course of summer holidays the Centre organised 6 courses, which were attended by 232 participants. 


2. Research activity

The study programme "The basic school after three years of testing" involved 130 schools. 

The study programme :"The civil school after two years of testing" involved 50 schools. 

With their scope and the length of study (5 years) these programmes are considered the largest and most extensive research programmes in the Czech Republic. The programmes were successfully defended and will continue for another two years. 


3. Development projects

Within the framework of the programme "The potential of university development" four programmes were conducted and successfully defended: 

  1. The preparation of teachers for teaching mathematics at primary schools

  2. Development of skills of geography teachers for courses in regions of southern Moravia 

  3. The preparation of a supervisor teacher of German to help trainee teachers from the Faculty of Teacher Training and the Faculty of Arts 

  4. Continuation of education of English teachers /supervisors



- Modern School Management (PHARE VET CZ93O5)

- Specialised English and German 


Within the PHARE programme the Centre takes part in two projects. The projects are designed for 19 selected integrated secondary schools. In this programmes the Centre is a partner of Helsinki University and Goethe Institute Praha. 

International co-operation: 

In collaboration with Oxford University, Leuven University and Krakow university a publication summarising the conclusions of the Tempus programme (Oxford Studies in Comparative Education "Developing Schools for Democracy in Europe") was prepared. New projects in school management were launched jointly with the University of Helsinki, Oxford University and EDSAL in London (curriculum development). Preparatory work continued on the project of school management (co-operation with KOMPACT GROUP Hertogenbosch, Holland). The preparation was conducted of so-called moderators in the project of North Rhine Westphalia, who organised the first workshop on school management under the leadership of German tuition staff. In co-operation with the Ministry of Education and Culture in Vienna and KulturKontakt in Vienna 47 workshops sponsored by the Austrian partners were organised. The acquisition of books for the Austrian methodological library funded by KulturKontakt continued. The Educational Institute in Vienna and the Educational Institute in Hollabrun took part in providing accessions and organising reciprocal workshops, courses and study visits concerning language teaching. A PHARE project in German and English for teachers of technical schools (in collaboration with Goethe Institute and British Council) was launched. The interchange of experience, materials, and the collaboration in methodological materials continued with the Methodological Centre in Szombathely, Gyr, Bratislava, the University in Graz and Viribus Unitis Foundation in Switzerland. A new co-operation was established with the Educational Academy in Dillingen. 

Supported by the Austrian partners, an international conference "Even schools can learn" (Autonomous development of schools, seeking new perspectives) was held which stemmed from a successful project of co-operation with the universities in Innsbruck and Vienna. 


Three publications (2300 copies) and 27 methodological guides (2800) were published by the Centre. 

Training Centre:

The activities were conducted in collaboration with the training centre in Šlapanice which hosted training courses and important conferences organised by the Centre and the faculties of MU and scientific societies.