Dean's Office, FEA,  Zelný trh 2/3, 657 90 Brno

tel. 42 215 918-26,42 321 209

fax. 42 214 769

Doc. Ing. Ladislav Blažek, CSc.



.Doc. Ing. Antonín Slaný, CSc.

Doc. PhDr.Kamil Fuchs, CSc.

PhDr. Alena Bendová

Chairman of the Academic Senate: 

JUDr. Ivan Malý, CSc.

31.5.1995 Ing. Antonín Hlaváček, CSc.


Ing. František Křivánek


1996 was the year of the 5th anniversary of the Faculty. 

By completing the academic year 1995/96 in which the first students of full-time courses for a master's degree and distance courses for a bachelor's degree graduated, the first stage of the development of study programme ended. The programme of full-time courses for a master's degree stabilised and distance courses for a bachelor's degree were shaped .into an integral system. The range of option courses for the first level of studies narrowed and the structure of courses (option - core - specialised) changed. 

As part of the system of inspection and evaluation of teaching two surveys were carried out under the supervision of the Centre of Scientific Information. The first one was all-university enquiry (final - year undergraduates and graduates) and the second was conducted after the start of the winter term 1996/97 (all undergraduate students). The system included analysis of admission for the school year 1996/97, analysis of distance courses for a bachelor's degree in the year 1995/96 and a detailed analysis of the tuition process at the start of the year 1997. 

The most important development in 1996 was the international conference "University education in economics, management and business" organised by the Faculty and held on 29 -30 May 1996. The conference was attended by more than 300 delegates, 65 of them were from abroad. The conference, which led to voluminous conference proceedings in English, was a solemn celebration of the anniversary. 

The department of international liaisons organised a specialised course for students of MBA from Reims Business School in problems of the transformation of the Czech economy. The course was held from 16 - 23 June 1996 and was attended by 17 students and 9 workers of the Faculty. 

At the research level most teachers were involved in projects undertaken by their departments. At the end of the year 1996 the second stage of the faculty grant project "The syllabus as a condition for good profile of a graduate" of this Faculty (ESF MU) was successfully ended. 

In 1996 international co-operation under signed agreements continued (exchange of students and teachers with McLenna Community College, USA). 

Also in 1996 the Faculty was involved in TEMPUS and JEP (Joint European projects). The Faculty has developed three projects: the first enables Czech students to study for one term at a university abroad, the second is concerned with restructuring the tuition of social security in the CR and the third is aimed at building a training and guidance centre at MZLU in Brno. 

Under the TEMPUS projects students studied at business schools in Belgium, Holland, Great Britain, Germany and Italy. As for the study results, they compared well with foreign students. Some of them got jobs in banks or finance departments of the respective countries.

Three individual TEMPUS projects implemented in 1996 were successful at the Faculty. 

Under collaborative agreement with Haagse Hogeschool two one-term secondments in the Hague, Netherlands were offered to Czech students and two Dutch students were welcomed in Brno.

The conditions for study at Viadrina University (Frankfurt an der Oder) were precisely formulated and presently three students are studying there. Study at this University is very attractive.

In 1996 an agreement with Ecole Superieure de Commerce Chambery in France on participation in the multiregional program of European character (MIBP - PECO) was signed. The result is that in February 1997 two French students from Chambery will come to Brno to study at the Faculty of Economics. 

Under the renewed agreement with CEP of Central European University in Budapest a lecturer from the USA taught economic subjects in English and trained his followers - students under the so-called Teacher Trainee Programme. 

After accepting the project, financial support from an Austrian organisation Aktion to fund a course in Economics of regional administration was obtained. The course lasted from December 1996 to January 1997 and lectures were delivered by a professor in regional administration from Wirtschaftsuniversitt Wien, Austria.

The number of publications increased and included predominantly teaching materials and teaching aids.